Safety Tips

Safety Centre & Safety Tips

Safety Tips

  • Avoid deals that are too good to be true
  • Deal with people in your area
  • Never provide your personal or banking information
  • Pay by credit card where possible. In most cases, you can dispute credit card charges for non-delivery of goods.
  • Never use Western Union or wire transfer to pay for goods - only a scammer will ask for this, and any funds sent will be lost.
  • Beware of fake cashier's checks and money orders.
  • Meeting with the seller
  • Vehicle buying and selling advice
  • Type of Scams
  • Just Pay Shipping Scam
  • Overseas export
  • Renting a property
  • Buying and selling
  • What is West African "419" fraud?
  • Nigerian Email Scam
  • Fraud Alert - National Lottery
  • Fraud Alert - HighVis (High visibility jacket) Fraud
  • Loan Fraud
  • Hiring Camper Vans
  • Impersonation of Metropolitan Police Service
  • Prizemaster International
  • Advertising, Auction, Ticketing and On Line Fraud.
  • Shipping and Escrow.
  • Principal Risks and reporting.
  • Were you a victim of an online scam?

Safety Centre

Here are some tips to help you avoid scams and fraud on the Internet:

  • Avoid deals that are too good to be true.
  • Scammers try often to post fake ads, selling items that are significantly under priced. If you see any of these fake ads. Only deal with people in your area. It's easy to stay safe when you pay attention to the warning signs. If you see a suspicious listing, you should report it to us. With help from enough people, we can remove the suspicious users.
  • Please report them by clicking "Flag as spam" in the ad on the right side under the Ad Options section.
  • Deal with people in your area
  • The vast majority of scammers will contact you from another country or somewhere far away. The best way to avoid scams is to deal locally, in person.
  • Never provide your personal or banking information
  • Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes all over the world. Do not give out personal, credit card or online account details (e.g. social insurance number, bank account number, passwords, mother's maiden name, date of birth, place of birth, or any other personal information over the Internet/email. We advise only buying and selling with people you can meet. Fraudsters don't meet a person that's how they get caught!
  • Pay by credit card where possible. In most cases, you can dispute credit card charges for non-delivery of goods.
  • Never use Western Union or wire transfer to pay for goods - only a scammer will ask for this, and any funds sent will be lost.
  • Beware of fake cashier's checks and money orders.
  • Meeting with the seller
  • Meet in a public place such as a bar or coffee shop.
  • Tell a friend you are meeting someone and say the time you expect to be back.
  • Get a phone number of the person you wish to meet and speak to them before you meet.

Vehicle buying and selling advice

  • Buying or selling a vehicle is probably the most expensive commitment you could make second to buying a house. Added to this it is unlikely that you will have the security of legal advice, solicitors, agents etc. to protect the transaction and moreover, your money. The process of buying or selling a vehicle is usually straightforward but both buyers and sellers can leave themselves open to becoming the victim of fraud of crime or other crimes.
  • Be careful not to let the excitement of buying or selling a vehicle compromise your safety or your money. And remember, if it looks too good to be true, it usually is.
  • The advice below is to help you avoid being a victim of vehicle related crime, including fraud.
  • Do not let the excitement of buying or selling a vehicle compromise your safety or that of your money. This is one of the most expensive transactions most people ever undertake.
  • The Internet is now the primary way to find a vehicle that is for sale - an estimated one million adverts are 'on line' every day. A small, but significant, number of these adverts will have been placed by criminals.
  • Don't be the Innocent Purchaser of a stolen car
  • Don't be the victim of a Virtual Vehicle Fraud

How to protect yourself

  • An advert on a web site is just that - a means of putting a buyer and seller in touch.
  • The V5c Vehicle Registration Document shows the 'registered keeper' on the vehicle who may not be the lawful owner of the vehicle. This may be another person or a finance company.
  • Vehicle history checks very frequently reveal adverse information about the given vehicle.
  • Vehicle identities are often changed (known as 'Cloned or Ringed Vehicles') in order to sell a stolen vehicle.
  • Vehicle History checks may not reveal that a stolen vehicle has been cloned.
  • Innocent purchasers of stolen vehicles may have the car taken from them, lose the money they paid and also be arrested as part of Police enquiries.
  • Paying for a vehicle has many risks associated with it, follow our advice.
  • Many people are defrauded every year into sending money to people that they have never met for vehicles that they have never seen - known as 'Virtual Vehicle' fraud.



    Find out about the model of car that you want to buy, check that the car you are looking at is of the correct specification. When buying a second-hand vehicle you should make sure that the vehicle you are buying is the property of the seller and has not been stolen. A history check will also identify whether the given vehicle has been reported as an insurance write-off, has any outstanding finance on it or mileage inconsistencies. Do your own history check. This will protect you and will give you current information for the vehicle. Do not accept a history check from the vendor; it may be false or at best out of date, it is best to do or repeat the check after viewing the vehicle and its documents. The following are some of the organisations that provide this service:

    If you think the car is stolen, report this to your local police. However, the Police and the above web sites cannot confirm ownership details – they can only confirm the status of the genuine vehicle with the registration number and other vehicle details given.


    When buying privately it's wise to do your research on the seller as well as the vehicle. Get a landline telephone number but you should be aware that it could be for a public telephone box or might transfer to another phone. Always meet a private seller at their home address, check the car is registered on the V5c to that address and be sure the seller resides there. If you feel unhappy with the other party trust your instincts and walk away. Do not be tempted by that elusive bargain.


    Check that the vehicle identification numbers (VIN) matches that on the documents, and has not been tampered with. The VIN number is in at least three places on a vehicle. The 'visible' VIN plate is under the windscreen, on the nearside (left) of the car, under where the tax disc should be. The 'VIN plate/sticker' will normally be somewhere under the bonnet. There will be a number stamped in the main body that is located differently for each type of vehicle. Be very wary if there are any signs that etching or numbers have been tampered with or removed. Make sure that the vehicle registration document (V5c) has not been tampered with and is watermarked. Compare the document with another V5c or look at the V5c for your own vehicle. Check the V5c is not stolen. See the DVLA website for more details.


    Do not buy a vehicle if the seller cannot produce the vehicle registration document and other documentation (e.g. MOT or, for a new vehicle, the purchasing correspondence). Check that the MOT certificate is valid at (you will need the Test Number from the MOT certificate to do this). Check the vehicle handbooks and confirm the service history if possible.


    Consider having the vehicle professionally examined before you buy, either through a motoring association, private company or garage. This will give you more safety with your transaction.

  • 6. PAYING

    There are different ways you can pay for a vehicle – cash, cheque, banker's draft, bank transfer or ESCROW. Choose the method that works for you but be aware of the potential dangers. A genuine seller should accept a small cash deposit; do not be pressured into making a payment in full when you first see the vehicle. Be very careful about how and where the hand over of cash and the vehicle is to take place. It is dangerous carrying cash, especially when you're going to meet a stranger, so use your common sense and always have someone with you. Cash, cheques and banker's drafts can be forged or counterfeit and your seller is advised not to accept these. NEVER pay using a money transfer company such as Western Union or Moneygram – these exist for transferring money between people who know each other. Bank transfers are quicker using the new 'Faster Payments' system. An immediate bank transfer can be made using the CHAPS system for a nominal fee, (£20-£30). Consider meeting the buyer at your bank and completing the transaction there. CHAPS payments are irrevocable. ESCROW is safe way of paying for a vehicle but make sure that the company is registered with HMRC. Be careful when using ESCROW or Shipping web sites as many are bogus and set up by fraudsters. See the Metropolitan Police Fraud Alert web pages about money transfer, cashback and ESCROW.


    The Internet can be a source of bargains and is increasingly popular and useful. However it is also used by criminals to sell vehicles that are stolen or do not exist, often using pictures and details of genuine vehicles and stolen or false identities. Most sites provide safeguards for buyers and sellers. Understand the rules of the site and how it works. If you buy via the web, or you win an auction view the vehicle and make all the above checks before paying for your vehicle.



    Decide where best to advertise your vehicle, in your local newspaper, in a motoring magazine or nationally via the Internet. Understand the rules of the publication or Internet site.


    You should be prepared to provide several different ways that people can get in contact with you – email address mobile telephone number or landline.


    When selling your vehicle, be aware that thieves can pose as potential buyers. They may ask up front for details of the vehicle or for your personal details and could use this information to create their own fake 'cloned' ad. If they're a genuine buyer, they will come and check the vehicle, do not disclose VIN and other identification numbers until the potential buyer is with you and the vehicle.


    Beware of emails from abroad, offering to buy your vehicle without seeing it and offering to make over-payments. Also beware of bogus shipping or ESCROW companies recommended by the buyer.


    Let the buyer inspect the documents but do not let them make copies or take photos of them. Be aware that mobile phones often contain a camera!


    Always check that the person has a valid driving license and insurance to drive your vehicle. Never let the buyer go on a test drive alone. They may not come back. Don't leave the buyer alone with your keys, and never get out of the vehicle to allow a test drive leaving the keys in the ignition. Thieves have been known to steal car keys by swapping them with similar keys.

  • 7. PAYMENT

    There are different ways people can pay for a vehicle – cash, cheque, banker's draft, bank transfer or ESCROW. Choose the method that works best for you but be aware of the potential issues. Be very careful about how and where the hand over of the cash and vehicle is to take place. It is dangerous carrying cash, especially when you're going to meet a stranger, so use your common sense and always have someone with you. Cash could be counterfeit so double check it. If accepting cash, consider meeting the buyer at your bank and paying the money straight in to your account. Cheques and banker's drafts can be forged or counterfeit and you may not find this out until after your car has gone and you may lose the money, even it has 'cleared'. Do not accept an overpayment where you then have to refund money or pay money to a third party. Bank transfers are quicker using the new 'Faster Payments' system. An immediate bank transfer can be made using the CHAPS system for a nominal fee, (£20-£30). CHAPS payments are irrevocable. Consider meeting the buyer at their bank and completing the transaction there. ESCROW is safe way of receiving payment for a vehicle but make sure that the company is registered with HMRC. Be careful when using ESCROW or shipping services as many are bogus and set up by fraudsters. See the Metropolitan Police Fraud Alert web pages about money transfer, criminal cashback and bogus ESCROW sites.


There are many sources of additional information. Understand the terms and conditions on the website or provided by the advertiser, also read through their advice about buying and selling.


For advice on criminal cashback and other frauds that may be attempted against vehicle sellers and buyers, and how to report spam emails go to. OTHER USEFUL WEB SITES:

  • Office of Fair Trading (OFT):
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA):
  • Direct.Gov web page:
  • The basic details of a vehicle can be checked on the web site:
  • MOT test certificates can be checked at: or by phoning 0870 330 044
  • Bank payments advice. (CHAPS):
  • Escrow information: and
  • The UK Money Transmitters Association web site shows a list of their member companies who are registered with the HMRC.
  • Get Safe On Line: Search for Escrow or click here
  • Trading Standards: Consumer Direct: 08454 040506
  • Type of scams
  • Just Pay Shipping Scam
  • Do not respond to any ad that offers free goods or pets and asks for you to pay just the shipping, nearly always this is a scam.
  • Overseas export
  • Please be aware of emails originating from overseas, wanting you to export your goods for sale. Nearly always, these are a scam of some kind. The majority of scams that are tend to be from criminals based in Nigeria or Cameroon, or are using Nigerian/Cameroon bank accounts. Remember: If it sounds too good to true, then it usually is!
  • Renting a Property
  • If a landlord says they are out of the country and want you to send the money as a deposit, it's most probably a scam!
  • - How the scam works: You send the money; there is no property to rent so you lose your money.
  • - Another Scam:M They ask you to send money to someone you trust to prove you have money to rent the flat. They want you to use a system such as Western Union. You send the money to your friend or family member. They then ask for you to prove it by showing your payment receipt. You scan the receipt and send it to them by email or fax. They can then duplicate the receipt and claim the money with the serial numbers on the receipt.
  • If a potential tenant says they are out of the country and want to send you a deposit for the property before viewing it, it's most probably a scam.
  • How the scam works: They send you a fake cheque for more money than you require (you want £1000, they send £1500). When you tell them they paid too much, they say "ok, send me £500 back". If you send the £500 back before finding out the cheque is fake, you'll lose your money.

Buying and Selling

  • Never send your goods or money to anyone.

  • If someone says they are out of the country and they want to send you money for shipping goods to them, it's probably a scam!

  • How the scam works:

  • They send you a fake cheque or a fake email from some kind of payment system such as paypal hoping you will send the goods before the cheque clears or before you notice the payment confirmation email is not legitimate.

  • Don't carry large sums of cash on your own. Take a friend with you to purchase the item.

  • Be suspicious of people who claim to be out of the country.

  • Be suspicious if a deal is too good to be true. Don't let greed get the better of you! :-)

  • Meet the seller in a public place if possible.

  • What is West African "419" fraud?

  • Advance fee fraud or '419' fraud (named after the relevant section of the Nigerian Criminal Code) is a popular crime with the West African criminal element. There are a myriad of schemes and scams - mail, faxed and telephone promises designed to facilitate victims parting with money. All involve requests to help move large sums of money with the promise of a substantial share of the cash in return.

  • Nigerian Email Scam

  • This scam has been used for over ten years and is sent out to victims via letter, e-mail, and fax. It consists of a message stating the sender has a large sum of money, usually around 35 million, and needs help transferring it out of Nigeria, or some other place. As a reward for your help, the sender promises to pay you a few million dollars. These emails are constantly being modified. A new one message supposedly comes from a rich African businessman trying to get 120 million dollars out of the country.

  • Fraud Alert - National Lottery

  • Operation Sterling is aware of a number of attempted frauds impersonating the National Lottery in order to obtain your money and personal details.

  • Emails

  • Method - You receive an unsolicited email from the National Lottery stating - for example - that you have won the jackpot or £6 million. The emails may have official looking logos in order authenticate it. However, these have been obtained and copied from the internet. You are asked to respond to the email or to a telephone number.

  • Advice

    - The National Lottery will only ever send players an email if the ticket was purchased online and it will never state that the ticket is a jackpot winner or state an amount won. You will be directed to log into your account at If you have bought a ticket from a shop you can check the tickets online at or go into any shop that has a National Lottery ticket machine and ask staff to check the ticket on the machine for you.

  • Telephone Calls

  • Method - You receive an unsolicited telephone call from the National Lottery saying that you are one of the winners of 100 UK Millionaires Draw or a jackpot winner. You are then asked for money or personal details so that the winnings can be paid to you.

  • Advice

  • - The National Lottery will never contact a ticket holder by telephone. If you have bought a ticket online you will be sent an email to log into to check your account or if you've purchased your ticket from a shop go into any shop that has a National Lottery ticket machine and ask the staff to check the ticket on the machine for you.


  • If you have not purchased a ticket for the National Lottery either in a shop or online, then you are not a winner and you should not respond to any request claiming to be from them. If you have received either an unsolicited email or telephone call contact the National Lottery on the above website.

  • Fraud Alert - HighVis (High visibility jacket) Fraud

  • Operation Sterling is aware of a number of frauds that have occurred nationwide and is warning Londoners to be vigilant.

  • Method

  • - a suspect orders goods over the internet or catalogue using fraudulent payment details and to help cover their tracks, requests that the goods are delivered to a different address other than their own. They therefore request it to be delivered to an address where they know an elderly or vulnerable adult resides.

  • The courier company delivers the goods to the elderly/vulnerable person, who even though they haven't ordered anything, accepts the delivery because their name and address is on the delivery note.

  • Within a short period of time an individual wearing a high visibility jacket giving some air of authenticity to avoid detection, then calls at the address to collect the package. The individual then leaves the address.

  • The packages have been known to contain anything from clothing to technology devices including iPads and mobile telephones which have been ordered online by someone pretending to be the real customer or just using an address for the delivery of the goods.

  • Prevention Advice

  • - If a courier calls at your address with a delivery, be careful before signing for it and accepting it. If you have not ordered any goods and a courier calls unexpectedly we advise you not to accept the delivery, even if your name and address is on the delivery. No matter how insistent the courier is, you can refuse the delivery especially for items you haven't ordered.

  • Loan Fraud

  • Operation Sterling has become aware of a growing trend where people are being cold called on their home or mobile numbers by people offering quick, easy and unsecured loans.

  • Method

  • The following example is typical;

    • You search the internet for a small loan e.g. £1500 and enter relevant details e.g. the amount and your contact telephone number.
    • A fraudster calls claiming to be from a legitimate loan company and offers you the loan. They obtained all your relevant details either through the details you entered when searching for a loan on the internet or by some other means. They sound professional and believable.
    • However, the fraudster tells you that before the loan can be paid into your account, you need to pay them a one off fee. They request payment using cash vouchers - e.g. UKASH or 3V.
    • You purchase the voucher (e.g. for £92 and tell the fraudster the voucher number) who then immediately cashes it.
    • A short time later - as little as 1 hour - the fraudster calls again stating that tax on the loan needs to be paid before the loan can be released. Again, you are requested to obtain a cash voucher (e.g. for £145). You may be informed that once this tax is paid the loan amount and the tax (in this example £1500 + £145) can then be paid immediately into your account.
    • A short time later (in this example the following day) you receive another phone call from "Head of Finance" stating the bank would not release the sum of £1645 and that the amount had to be a round figure. Therefore they require a further cash sum (e.g. a UKASH voucher) of £155 to make it £1800 and the £300 will be refunded.
    • Still no money is paid into your account. You receive a further phone call stating that the money is locked in the bank and to release it a further cash voucher of £150 needs to be paid. You pay this.
    • Again, no money goes into your account. The following day you receive yet another phone call and told that the bank will not release the funds and the only way to receive it is to obtain a cash voucher for £250 so that a solicitor can deliver the money in person. You realise this is a fraud and that you will never receive any money.
    • In this instance the victim paid £542 to the fraudster and received nothing in return. In the examples that Operation Sterling has seen the fraudster often has an Asian accent and is fluent in English.
  • Prevention Advice
    • If you are considering taking out a loan then use a reputable company.
    • If the company is based on the internet, research it on the internet. Find out what other people think.
    • If necessary visit the loan company in their offices (although be aware that fraudsters can use serviced offices).
    • NEVER send money upfront in order to receive a loan and be particularly wary if you are asked to use cash vouchers.
    • Hiring Camper Vans
    • Operation Sterling is issuing an alert to anyone considering hiring a camper van for a holiday or to attend music / book festivals.
    • If you do decide to book one, we advise you that you do your research thoroughly as there have been companies operating a camper van hire fraud. These companies offered vehicles at rates that significantly undercut the market and when the customer came to collect the vehicle it didn't exist.
    • If the price is too good to be true, it usually is
    • Impersonation of Metropolitan Police Service
    • Operation Sterling is aware of two different types of fraud which claim to be the Metropolitan Police.
    • 1.) The first attempt at fraud is an e-letter sent jointly by Metropolitan Police, CIA and IMF / UN to refund compensation to victims of crime the sum of $920,000.00. The fraudsters then ask for banking details to be sent in order for the "compensation" to be paid into the correct account.

      The e-letter states that is from SCD6 Economic and Specialist Crime Directorate based at Wellington House, 67-73 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6BE. The Metropolitan Police Service does not occupy this address.

    • 2.) The second attempt at fraud is malicious software (malware) which if accessed, infects personal computers with a virus. The malware is hosted by unsafe or compromised websites and is inadvertently accessed when browsing these sites. This virus causes the PC to freeze and lock, with a message purporting to be from the Metropolitan Police's Central e-crime Unit, advising the user they are required to pay a fine to unlock the computer.
    • The Metropolitan Police Service does not issue these messages, will never ask for money in a coercive way to pay a fine and no money should be sent.

Please follow the advice below if you are sent either of these messages:

  • DO NOT respond to these messages
  • DO NOT give personal information including your bank details
  • Ensure your computer's anti virus software is up to date. If your computer is locked, contact the anti virus provider
  • Only use trusted websites
  • Prizemaster International
  • Unsolicited telephone calls are apparently being made from PRIZEMASTER INTERNATIONAL in AUSTRALIA stating potential victims are the winners of a £285,000.00 lottery and a bankers draft is waiting to be forwarded.
  • Winners are required to make an administration payment to CANADIAN Customs & Excise of £1,800.00 in cash to an account held in SPAIN.
  • Members of the public should be aware that if they have not entered a lottery then they cannot have won a lottery. It should also be remembered that a legitimate lottery will not request any payment to release winnings and certainly would not involve transactions via a number of different countries.
  • If you receive any unsolicited offer that you are uncertain of by phone, e-mail or post
  • Do not give any personal details
  • Do not send any money
  • Do tell your partner, relative or friend
  • Do report fraud to your local police or via actionfraud
  • Advertising, Auction, Ticketing and On Line Fraud.
  • Use of the Internet and email is something that is taken for granted these days. Lured into a false sense of security, users often forget that they are not dealing face to face with the other party – they believe what they see is true without reservation or caution
  • Always question who you are dealing with and remain objective.
  • Most Internet users are aware of bogus emails. These are requests to supply security information and attempt to get bank and other personal data.
  • Never open or reply to an email that may be bogus.
  • Use options to block 'spam' emails attachments and pictures.
  • Links in emails often take the user to a bogus web site. The user may then be passed to a genuine site having entered their personal information on the bogus site.
  • Always check the web address and don't rely on links within emails.
  • If you suspect that an email is bogus, never open a link within it as this may download a virus.
  • Targeted attacks are made against individual personal computers. There are many things that can be done to protect the computer.
  • Use a full security program suite, firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware, etc.
  • Keep your software up to date using automatic updates.
  • Use a housekeeping suite to clean your system.
  • Backup your systems regularly, consider using an on-line instant backup facility.
  • Secure your Wireless network from unwanted users.
  • There are many sources of advice. Get Safe On Line is an impartial site.
  • Buying on Line
  • When buying on line, there are several types of web site which you may deal with.
  • Advertising sites introduce a buyer to a seller.
  • Auction Sites require the sellers and buyers to set up a profile.
  • Corporate sites are operated by companies that may also have retails outlets. The level of protection for consumers varies from site to site.
  • Advertising and Auction sites introduce buyers and sellers, they do not supply the goods.
  • Feedback is often exaggerated and may be manipulated in order to commit fraud.
  • Fraudulent adverts and web sites can be very sophisticated, make checks using internet searches.
  • Avoid shipping and escrow.
  • Scammers commonly employ fake, online escrow services.
  • Principal Risks
  • Whilst the vast majority of persons buying and selling on line are honest and will deliver, or pay, for goods as they should, both parties should take steps to ensure that they are happy with each other and the goods being supplied. The following are examples of the most common fraudulent adverts.
  • Concert and Event tickets. Sales that are not through the original promoter or an authorised seller are popular with fraudsters. The chance to buy a ticket at a reduced price, late availability or a ticket for that special event will tempt the unwary. Please see Olympic Ticketing advice
  • Flat lettings, residential lettings or holiday lettings. These can cause a considerable amount of financial loss and inconvenience. Please see section on Holiday rentals, Home and property purchase and property take-over fraud
  • Vehicles for Sale. That are not in possession of the advertiser and money is sent without the buyer seeing the vehicle or meeting the seller. Please see section on Vehicle buying and selling advice
  • Dating and Romance frauds. Please see section on Social Networking - On Line Dating and "Honey Traps"
  • Fraudulent adverts and websites can be very sophisticated, make checks before you send the money.
  • What you see advertised may be a genuine article - ticket, car, flat, villa.
  • A genuine advert may have been copied and actually be for sale. The genuine seller may be impersonated by the fraudster.
  • Establishing the ticket is genuine may be difficult, and may be rejected at the turnstile.
  • Olympic Tickets may only be sold by Authorised web sites.
  • The car may pass any vehicle status checks.
  • The Flat or villa may be there - but when you arrive, it's somebody else's.
  • Corporate sites may have been copied, cloned, re-directed or completely fake. Check and Challenge the Information
  • Does everything make sense?
  • How long has the site been in existence.
  • Use internet searches to check the company, or tickets. Add the Word 'Scam' or Fraud' to the search criteria may find complaints about bogus adverts. 'Phishing' and other e-Mails asking for personal details
  • Never reply to these emails - you will be put on a 'suckers' list.
  • If you have received a 'phishing' email, text, letter or scam communication by any other method and have not lost money or clicked on any website links contained in the message, you can report this online to Action Fraud at Report Attempted Scams or Viruses You may also wish to report these emails to
  • free online auction site, stay safe and sound online complaints email address or via
  • Send all banking related 'phishing' emails to Bank Safe on line:
  • Yahoo complaints email address:
  • Hotmail complaints email address:
  • AOL complaints email address:
  • If the email address is from any other address contact that will find out the relevant email provider and pass the complaint on
  • The Metropolitan Police web site
  • A good web site that lists the latest internet scams is run by the Metropolitan police at You may view the main police web site at . You may also find further information on Internet fraud at the USA FBI site, The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) at -
  • Were you a victim of an online scam?
  • Please report to us any attempted fraud or suspicious emails, ads, or other activity by StockkcotS users. We do not want scammers/fraudsters using the StockkcotS web site, please report all fraudsters if you receive an email from them.
  • In case of fraud or illegal activity, we also recommend that you report it to the Police.
  • Report listings that seem like they might be fraud, spam, or engaging in other illegal activities, such as discrimination or trademark violations.
Do you have more questions? Contactez-nous
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